Indie Game Dev Meeting Summary (November 28th, 2004):

This months meeting goes very well and the conversation focuses around marketing games. Retro64 (, Adurogames (  ), and Curiosoft ( show up at the meeting.


Curiosoft talks about his progress this month. His push focuses on marketing. He mentions going to the SBA (Small Business Administration) and getting advice from SCORE counselors ( He talks about the marketing challenges including offline distribution, other online marketing efforts including Google Adwords, Overture, and getting on He also talks a little about making his website more persuasive. He is working on commercials for the game and plans on posting them on his website. Finally, he talks about changing his company name to “Curiosity Games”. His goals for next month include …

1)      Getting More Distribution Channels

2)      Working on the next kids game

3)      Focusing on better distribution


Next, Aduro speaks. He talks about his current cell phone game. He shows off a very nice demo and gets feedback. His goals for next month include finishing the game. He will also investigate some ray tracing effects. He’ll also think about future games and projects.


Next comes Retro64. He talks about the release of Cosmobots and the marketing behind it. He also talks about beefing up the number of newsletter subscribers. Finally he discusses his goals for next month…

1)      Revamp Z-Ball

2)      Get more folks to register for the newsletter

3)      Automate custom affiliate builds

4)      Drive more traffic to his website


Afterwards, everyone sticks around for 15-30 minutes and talks about popular games likes Half-life 2 and Halo 2. They also talk about IGC and other indie games.